Sunday, December 7, 2014

Wireless Network Precautions


      Many people and computer companies are starting to go wireless to make internet more convenient and cut the cost on wired equipment. Wireless networks are extremely convenient because wireless internet means hot spots. Hot spots are areas that have free public wi-fi. With public wi-fi though comes problems. The problem with hot spots is that hackers can steal personal information due to the fact that no passwords are needed to hook up to the internet. The reason why hackers are able to steal information from people who use hot spots is because hot spots turn off the security.      There are ways to prevent hackers from stealing information.
     To prevent hackers from stealing personal information, internet users should take certain precautions. People who use wireless internet should passwords on their home screen to stop hackers from getting access to their home screen. Other general internet precautions include securing the computer and the router. Putting a password to the internet router secures the internet connection. The use of encryptions is also useful because it scrambles information over the web into a code that is not accessible to others. Users should also install anti-virus and anti-spy software as well as a firewall. Limiting access to a persons wireless connection allows the user to pick and choose which devices are allowed on the network.



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